Digital platform to unlock capital from your property asset

InfinID acts as a financing agent digital platform connecting homeowners or prospective borrowers to Financial Services Institutions that can give multipurpose property backed loan facilities.

We help home owners unlock capital from home and other real property assets

We use the latest technology to provide secure and seamless experience

Our Mission

"Open new access to consumers and SMEs in Indonesia to achieve prosperity through innovative financial product and technology"

Our Team

Our founding team has experience and capabilities in financial technology. With years of experience as leadership, executive, and consultant for large multinational and Indonesian companies

PT Inovasi Finansial untuk Indonesia (infinID) is legalised by Indonesia's Ministry of Law and Human Rights. infinID is also registered as Penyelanggara Sistem Elektronik (PSE) at Indonesia's Ministry of Communication and Informatics (license number 008554.01/DJAI.PSE/11/2022).
InfinID is registered as Penyelenggara Inovasi Keuangan Digital (IKD) at Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) under the Financing Agent cluster (document number S-135/NB.22/2023), and also AFTECH (Indonesia's Fintech Association) registration number 680/REG/AFT/SU.